Teen pregnancy isn’t an issue that can simply be waved away with a presidential joke, writes Katharine Hall.
The president’s suggestion that babies be removed from the care of
young mothers was clearly ludicrous and uninformed – presumably made in
jest to build rapport with traditional leaders he was addressing in
Parliament. But it provides an opportunity to clarify some common
First, there is the widespread belief that teenage pregnancy is an
escalating problem. This is not true. Fewer teenagers have babies
nowadays than they did in earlier times.
The Southern African Labour and Development Research Unit at the
University of Cape Town analysed birth history data across six large
national household surveys spanning 25 years, and found that the
proportion of teenagers who give birth before the age of 20 had
decreased substantially: from 30 percent in 1984 to 23 percent in 2008.
Other studies have found the same: there was a decline in teenage
pregnancy rates after the 1996 Census, and data from the Department of
Health shows no increase in the proportion of young women under 19
presenting at ante-natal clinics.
There is, too, a huge difference between giving birth at the age of
19 and at the age of 15. Most “teen births” are to women aged 18 and 19,
and these are not “children” in terms of the constitutional definition,
although many have not yet completed school.
Child-bearing rates for younger teens have also declined over the
years, according to the research unit’s study. In 2008, only 5 percent
of births were to teenagers younger than 17, down from 13 percent in
1984. Teenagers in the current generation are less likely to give birth
than those in their mothers or grandmothers’ generations.
On the other hand, more teenagers are attending school than was the
case with previous generations, and this may explain why schools claim
to be experiencing “higher teen pregnancy rates”.
This brings me to a second point.
In terms of the South African Schools Act, education is compulsory
only up until the age of 15 or completion of Grade 9, whichever comes
first. The act also permits pregnant teenagers to stay in school while
they are pregnant, and to return after childbirth.
Attendance rates are high, in the upper 90 percents, during the
compulsory schooling phase, after which there is a marked drop-off among
both girls and boys. And teen pregnancy isn’t the most common reason
for dropping out. Pupils also drop out because of the poor quality of
education (many who drop out have had to repeat grades), or because of
household poverty.
There can be no question of forcing young people to finish school if
they are over 15, as the law does not provide for this. However, it is
well established that those who do finish Grade 12 have an advantage, in
that they’re more likely to find work and to earn higher wages than
those who don’t have matric.
The returns are far greater for those who have completed further
education. It is important to focus on ways to enable and support
children to complete their schooling and further education.
A third point relates to social assistance for caregivers.
Extended families, particularly grandmothers, have played an
important role in caring for the children of young mothers. It is true
that women’s old-age pensions are often spent to the benefit of children
in the household, but the pension kicks in only at 60 and most mothers
of teenagers are not that old.
The child support grant is available as financial support for the
caregivers of children, but is much lower in value: R330 a month,
compared with R1 410 for an old age pension. Despite this small amount,
numerous studies have confirmed that the money is generally “well-spent”
- it is associated with better educational, nutritional and health
outcomes for children.
The president’s reference to spending grants on hairdressers is
unfortunate because it reiterates a popular “anti-poor” sentiment that
policy makers in his government are trying to correct.
Finally, the idea of separating children from their mothers is
inappropriate and unhelpful. Early childhood is a sensitive
developmental period when it’s important for children to be with their
Quite apart from the proven benefits of breast-feeding, the process
of bonding in the early years is important for the emotional and
cognitive development of the child, as well as the mental health and
parenting skills of the mother. Those working in the early childhood
development sector emphasise the “first 1 000 days” – the nine months of
pregnancy and first two years of life – as a critical time to provide
services and support.
* Katharine Hall is a senior researcher at the Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town
* The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.
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